Achieving a Peaceful divorce: the power of Mediation article graphic from Kimberly Canova & Tony Canova at Mediation By Canova

Achieving a Peaceful Divorce: The Power of Mediation

Introduction To Mediation

Divorce is a challenging life event that can often be emotionally and financially draining. However, there is an alternative approach that prioritizes amicability and cost efficiency - Mediation. Let’s explore the benefits of mediation over litigation, understand the mediation process, and introduce the role of a skilled mediator to guide you toward a mutually beneficial result.

Understanding Mediation in Divorce

There are two primary options for dissolving a marriage: mediation and litigation.

Quote graphic from mediations by Canova that says "Mediated divorces end in agreement 70 to 80% of the time and have high compliance rates." by American Bar Association

Mediation is when divorcing couples work with a neutral third party, a mediator, to reach mutual decisions.

Unlike litigation, which can be adversarial and leave both parties feeling like "the loser", mediation empowers couples to participate in decision-making actively. 

Through open and constructive communication, couples can find tailored solutions that prioritize their best interests, especially when children are involved. Mediation offers flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and a more personalized approach than traditional courtroom battles.

The Mediation Process Explained

Let's dive into the steps involved in a typical mediation process. It begins with scheduling an initial consultation with a mediator, where you'll discuss your concerns, goals, and expectations.

During the mediation sessions, you will be guided through open discussions, encouraging dialogue and helping you explore various options. The process is collaborative, allowing you to maintain control over the outcome and make decisions that align with your unique circumstances. 

Throughout the process, the mediator's empathetic and professional guidance will ensure a supportive environment as you work towards a peaceful resolution.

The Mediation process Explained by Mediations by Canova. The steps include Agree to Mediate, Gather points of View, Focus on Interest, Create Win-Win Options, Evaluate Options, and Create Agreement.
  1. Agree to Mediate: Both parties must voluntarily agree to engage in the mediation process to seek a resolution to their dispute.

  2. Gather Points of View: The mediator facilitates a discussion where each party has the opportunity to express their perspectives, concerns, and interests related to the dispute.

  3. Focus on Interest: The mediator encourages the parties to shift their focus from rigid positions to underlying interests. By identifying and understanding each party's interests, the mediator helps them explore potential solutions that meet their needs.

  4. Create Win/Win Options: With the assistance of the mediator, the parties collaboratively generate a variety of options that aim to create mutually beneficial outcomes. The focus is on finding solutions that satisfy the interests of both parties, promoting a sense of fairness and cooperation.

  5. Evaluate Options: The parties carefully evaluate the proposed options, considering their feasibility, practicality, and potential to address their interests. This step involves thoughtful analysis and discussion to determine which options are most suitable for further consideration.

  6. Create Mutual Decision: Based on the parties' evaluations and discussions, they work together, guided by the mediator, to develop a document outlining the terms of their resolution. This document reflects their mutual understanding and serves as a blueprint for implementing the agreed-upon solutions.

Kimberly Canova's mediation process aligns with the key principles of mediation, focusing on open communication, collaborative problem-solving, and reaching mutually satisfactory outcomes for the parties involved.

We’ve honed this process over 30 years and have helped more than 100 couples divorce amicably.

The Benefits of Mediation vs. Litigation

Mediation vs Litigation where Faster Simpler, Smarter, Cheaper.

Considering these factors, embracing mediation can lead to a more peaceful and mutually satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.

What Happens After Successful Mediation?

A mediator doesn't have the power to officially end your marriage - only a judge can do that. So, even if your mediation goes well, there are still a few more steps you need to take to finalize your divorce. Once you've completed mediation and reached an solution with your spouse, you'll need the court to review and approve your settlement document. Once that's done, the court will issue the final divorce decree.

How Do You Find The Right Mediator For Your Divorce

When looking for a skilled mediator for your divorce, consider the following key points to ensure you find the right professional to guide you through the process:


Choosing mediation for your divorce is a powerful step towards achieving a peaceful and amicable resolution. By prioritizing collaboration, open communication, and tailored solutions, you can minimize the emotional and financial toll often associated with litigation.

Graphic Interested in Mediation? It all starts with a call. Mediation By Canova